Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hong Cun 宏村

These are some of the pics from Hong Cun (Great or Magnificent Village). The day after we hiked yellow mtn we came here (saturday morning). It was established 700 years ago by the Wang Family and has been run by them since. It survived all the wars because it is tucked back in the mountains. It was too much of a pain for the Red Guard to get to them so they were basically left alone for many years. Now there are tourists there from all over China and the world.
i bought some stuff from the lady who ran this store. Her mother was also there, she's 80 something years old. They've lived here for hundreds of years. The architecture is awesome at this place, and its all original.
The pic to the left is they dry their
clothes. i thought it was a pretty cool pic.
The next pic is the bridge you take to cross the aquaducts to get to the village. Pretty cool little bridge. Next is Adam and the doorway to the house. The next one is a pic of the school. I think its one of the old Confucian schools. Next is the alley that leads to the doorways of the houses. Notice the water to the side of the path. It used to be used for washing clothes and pretty much most of their water needs.

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